‘Train the Trainer’ Project: Westminster Kingsway College Lecturers Visit Norway

College lecturers visit Norway
The College’s Hospitality and Culinary Arts team went on a Scandinavian voyage to Norway to meet a group of experts from the Norwegian Seafood Council. The trip was organised as part of Westminster Kingsway College’s ‘Train the trainer’ project, in line with an ongoing commitment to the sustainability of sea fish and aqua culture.
‘Train the trainer’ gives lecturers the opportunity to enhance their skills and develop new teaching techniques. During the three day trip, lecturers explored Norwegian fish farming and visited a catering college in Bergen, where they judged a competition. The competition winner also won a trip to London and will get to show off his culinary skills, when he comes to visit the College later this year!
Gary Hunter, Head of Faculty for Hospitality and Culinary Arts at Westminster Kingsway College, said of the trip: “We are immensely grateful to Norwegian Seafood UK for helping to organise this Culinary team visit, which enabled us to gain first-hand knowledge of Norwegian Fjord Trout farming and sustainability. The College places a strong emphasis on ensuring our teaching team can directly research important subject areas such as this, which in turn provides us with the most up to date information to pass onto our students. The added opportunity to meet other culinary schools and sample Scandinavian cuisine will mean that, once again our students will be at the forefront of learning international and contemporary culinary techniques.”
Jack-Robert Møller, Director of the Norwegian Seafood Council, said: “We are proud to offer trips to Norway for culinary lecturers; sharing what we’ve learnt is important because it ensures our knowledge gets carried forward to the next generation, and benefits not just Norway but the rest of the world too. Westminster Kingsway College does a fantastic job of educating and inspiring some of the best chefs in the UK, as well as developing many young chefs with the industry, and we look forward to continuing our programme with them.”
Fishmongery and resource sustainability are core modules within a number of the Culinary Arts programmes such as, the Professional Chef Diploma Level 1, 2 & 3 and Craft Guild of Chefs. Westminster Kingsway College is continually looking at ways of improving its teaching delivery, and growing its reputation as “The best catering college in England”, according to former Alumni Chef student, Jamie Oliver.