The Great Game Guide To Launch at The Game Fair

Attention all game lovers! The Great Game Guide 2021, written and produced by The Chefs’ Forum, will launch at The Game Fair on 23rd July at Ragley Hall in Warwickshire.
The new guide, edited by Chandos Elletson, contains a list of 100 top game restaurants, pubs and hotels as well as interviews with game-loving chefs and experts. Further sections reveal where to buy game and what happens on a shoot or stalk.
The Game Fair, held between 23rd July and 25th July at Ragley Hall is billed as a festival of the countryside and The Chefs’ Forum will be there with a dedicated stand to host events and welcome visitors.
The Chefs’ Forum demo stage will be in the Totally Game Arena and many chefs included in the guide will join forces with the various game suppliers listed to showcase the finest game butchery and cookery in a series of live demonstrations over the three day event.
Chef Graham Garrett, from The West House in Kent, is one of the chefs joining in the festivities at The Chefs’ Forum stand and he said:
“We should be eating more game because everyone talks about sustainability, but this is the most healthy meat there is. Venison is perhaps the healthiest red meat there is. It’ ethical and sustainable.
“Everyone wants to know where their meat is from and there is nothing more honest and traceable than game meat. We should be eating wild food, as opposed to intensively farmed meat full of antibiotics and chemicals.”
Chefs’ Forum director Catherine Farinha commented on The Game Fair:
“It’s going to be a great event. We are going to celebrate the countryside, the launch of The Great Game Guide and enjoy being able to see each other in person and have a party. The Great Game Guide has brought so many chefs together for the good of the countryside and we can’t wait to see as many chefs as possible over those three days.”
The Great Game Guide editor Chandos Elletson said:
“What has struck me most about putting this guide together is the strength of feeling not only amongst chefs but also those in the countryside about the game industry. So many chefs have told us how much they love game, look forward to it and enjoy serving it. We all hope that the guide can help new guests find restaurants that celebrate game during the season.”
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