The Chefs’ Forum to Release The Great Game Guide 2021 Ready for Summer Shooting Season!

The Chefs’ Forum is hard at work on a Game Guide that will feature 100 of the top UK restaurants, pubs and members clubs that specialise in game.

Planned for release on the Glorious Twelfth (August 12th 2021), a huge day in the game calendar to celebrate the start of the Grouse season.

Chefs and game enthusiasts get extremely excited about this date as it signifies the creation of delightful grouse dishes and the start of the shooting season for birds in the feather.

Annette Woolcock, Head of Food at the British Association of Shooting and Conservation is working closely with The Chefs’ Forum on promoting the responsible sourcing of game meat among chefs and will be consulting on the production of the guide to ensure the content truly represents the game sector and all the great attributes of it; from gate to plate.

Working closely with chefs, shoots, game associations, retailers and experts the 2021 Game Guide will become the ultimate guide to eating, buying and cooking game.

Editor Chandos Elletson revealed:

“Game meat is unique. It’s varied, wild and lean. In many cases it’s the ultimate meat. It requires skill and imagination to cook properly but the rewards for learning those skills will last a chef forever.

A rare wild duck breast, for example, is very different to a farmed duck which has a very fatty skin. The wild version is denser, meatier and much more flavoursome. There really is no comparison. You don’t eat a wild bird for crispy skin. You eat it for its incomparable flavour.

It’s amazing how many really excellent game chefs there are in the UK and this guide celebrates them and their imaginative cooking methods. British game really is world class at a time when healthier meats are cherished.”

Having produced a regional version of the guide with BASC in 2014, The Chefs’ Forum is delighted to be working on an updated National version to celebrate the finest game chefs in the UK.

A recent survey conducted on behalf of Taste of Game and the British Game Alliance showed an overwhelming passion for game meat among UK chefs and they proudly showcased their fantastic dishes and favourite species throughout the season.

Louisa North, Head of Operations at The British Game Alliance is delighted that The Chefs’ Forum is producing the guide

The British Game Alliance gives its full support to The Game Guide, which is a great initiative. Promoting the great health benefits and delicious flavour of game through as many different avenues as possible benefits both consumers and the great British countryside.

The Chefs’ Forum Director Catherine Farinha said:

“Our work with Taste of Game and the British Game Alliance has taught us that there are strict measures in place to promote top quality harvesting, processing and responsible sourcing of game meat for both retail and trade.  This guide will serve to let people know about the fantastic people and organisations involved in the sector and where best to buy and enjoy eating game meat.”

For more information on The Great Game Guide or how to advertise within it, please contact Alexandra Duncan: