Has Veganuary Ve’gone’uary? Nutcellars Macadamia Nuts are Bang on Trend for 2020!

The Chefs’ Forum conducted some market research into menu trends for 2020 at the end of 2019, huge thanks to all chefs who took part!

Unsurprisingly, many of you quite rightly predicted that plant-based and vegan food would be massive this year!  More people than ever signed up to try a vegan lifestyle throughout January, with numbers looking to top 400,000 by the end of the month. It’s estimated now that between 1 and 3% of the population identify themselves as Vegan. Now February is upon us, is it time to reduce the vegan options on your menu?

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Well it seems not. According to the Veganuary team, last year 47% of those taking part planned to maintain their vegan diet after the event and 77% said they were likely to try Veganism again in the future. We’re still waiting for the 2020 figures, which according to the Veganuary team should be available by late March.
But what does this mean for industry and the restaurant trade? Is vegan food only for vegans?
In fact, only 8% of plant-based meals sold in the UK in 2018 were consumed by vegans, with the vast majority being eaten by an increasing number of ‘Flexitarians’ – an estimated 22 million in the UK alone.
It’s this group that represent a growing opportunity for the out of home market, with a 388% increase in vegan takeaway meals sold between 2016-2018. While High Street brands like Burger King and KFC are now offering vegan based foods, an opportunity remains for high end Chefs to develop true innovation in plant-based eating.
The driving forces behind these dietary shifts seem to be predominantly our own wellbeing, with 55% signing up for Veganuary 2019 for health reasons. But unsurprisingly, discerning vegan and flexitarian consumers are also increasingly interested in the ethical and environmental impact of their foods so alongside their nutritional credentials, and this is where Nutcellars Macadamia nuts can provide a simple yet original solution.  Ethically and sustainably grown, these quality Macadamia nuts from Malawi provide a source of important micronutrients such as phosphorus, manganese, copper, and magnesium and are made up of over 60% of beneficial monounsaturated fats. Incredibly versatile, with a creamy texture they make a healthy addition to both sweet and savoury dishes.