The recipe page is for you to showcase your fabulous work. If you have a seasonal recipe you would like to share, or you are a supplier, showcasing your delicious ingredients or equipment, then let other chefs know about it here.
The Chefs’ Forum prides itself on promoting its members and their creativity. Your recipes will be shared across all of our social media channels, really putting you and your restaurant on the map!
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Inspired from the return of lockdown. This dish consists of things that you have in your kitchen without having to buy ingredients just for this dish. Easy to make at…
The Glorious 12th indicates the start of the game shooting season – what better way to start than with a sous vide pigeon breast. This cooking technique guarantees the breast…
A light and seasonal summer dessert – the raspberry is the star of the show in this dish, really bringing out its intense and fragrant flavours.
Macadamia nuts are said to be the most virtuous and versatile of nuts, as well as being tasty, healthy and sustainable. The ‘Queen of Nuts’ have a unique crunchy, buttery…
Hybu Cig Cymru – Meat Promotion Wales, represents the Red Meat Sector in Wales. PGI Welsh Lamb can be supplied by processors and cutting plants in the form of carcasses…
Introducing Loch Duart Salmon… Independent Scottish salmon farm Loch Duart has been rearing extraordinary Scottish salmon in in the beautiful locations of Sutherland and the Outer Hebrides since 1999. Loch…
PGI Welsh Lamb be supplied by processors and cutting plants in the form of carcasses and cuts, using a range of packaging solutions and with Halal accreditation where required. Why…
This elegant and decadent dish demonstrates the potential of the queen of nuts from its humble origin to fine dining; leading the way in Daniel’s campaign to change the perception…