Gadget of the Month: The Urban Cultivator Commercial – Available Exclusively from Continental Chef Supplies

Wouldn’t it be great to be able to serve your customers freshly harvested greens 365 days a year?
With the Urban Cultivator Commercial you can.
Essentially the Urban Cultivator is an indoor garden that allows you to grow herbs and greens in your kitchen all year round. This means that the time from harvesting to plate can be quite literally minutes – and it doesn’t get much fresher than that!
As well as tasting superior, the freshness also means that many more nutrients are retained in the plants, and everything is 100 per cent organic – absolutely no pesticides are needed to keep the pests at bay, and of course it’s good for the environment as there’s no food miles involved.
But that’s not all it has to offer. The Urban Cultivator could actually save you money. In fact, depending on how much you use, it could pay for itself within a year.
Because you only pick the amount you need, when you need it there’s no waste – the rest just continues to grow, and it has been meticulously designed to maximise yield while using minimal energy.
The Urban Cultivator can be easily installed in your kitchen, and has been designed to function with minimal input, so you don’t need to be a gardening guru to get the best out of it. It’s fully automated so watering and light cycles are controlled and built in fans maintain humidity and air circulation. The only maintenance required is adding fertiliser once and week, and of course harvesting.
The Commercial model has 16 “flats” on which to grow your chosen produce and there’s also a smaller version for home cooks or small kitchens.
The Urban Cultivator is ideal for cultivating classical herbs, micro greens and lettuces, and wheat grass and pea shoots also grow particularly well.
It has only recently become available in the UK, but it has already proved very popular in the US and Canada.
Ned Bell, Executive Chef at The Four Seasons Vancouver, said: “The absolute freshest greens for 90% less? One of the smartest decisions I every made.”
The Urban Cultivator is available in the UK exclusively from CCS.
Visit for more details.