The Launch of Redefine Meat – The New Kid on the Block of the Alternative Meat Sector

The launch of Redefine Meat new meat at the new Chef Works & Bragard UK showroom in Islington last Monday was greeted with enthusiasm by chefs and caterers at the event.
Redefine Meat is the new kid on the block of the alternative meat sector having spent upwards of four years in development while the market has taken off. However, the time spent getting the product right in terms of taste, texture and usability is likely to have been time well spent.
The meat itself is made up of various plant-based proteins, fats, and natural colours and flavours. Gluten is used to achieve the right “chew”. According to Adrian Sagman, Head of Global Sales and Biz Dev at Redefine Meat the new meat looks and behaves just like real meat when you cook it.
There were three types on display the event: steak, beef and lamb mince. The Chefs’ Forum teamed up with Chotto Matte Restaurant in Soho to design a canapé menu that reflected the style of the restaurant with the addition of redefined meat in some of the dishes.
Jordan Sclare, Executive Chef of Chotto Matte, told The Chefs’ Forum: “We designed four canapés for the event including using redefine meat in our beef tataki. It’s been a very exciting process.”
Kurt Zdesar, founder of Chotto Matte, explained why he was excited about the new products and using it in his restaurants: “I’m super impressed how similar it is to real meat. One brand came out when this whole thing started and it’s everywhere now. I think it’s time we saw better versions and I think that version is here now. We are big fans.”
Ben Purton of caterer Thyme & Plaice, said: “If I’d had that meat-free version without knowing then my palate would have been fooled into thinking it was meat. It had that little bit of texture in there.”
Shanti Bhushan of Brigadiers London who also created some Redefine Meat canapés for the event was equally impressed: “The previous attempts that we’ve tried have a dominating taste of unnatural fibres that comes through. So, it doesn’t gel with the spices and the sauces that we make.
“This one just feels right, the texture, the way it absorbs the spices, it works better. It was really nice and I’m looking forward to having it on the menu.”
Jordan Sclare summed up the feelings of everyone present when he said: “I can see the years of development that has been put into the development of this product. It’s not easy to do what they’ve achieved.”