The Chefs’ Forum Nominated for Game Educator Award

The subject of game is huge and at The Chefs’ Forum we are champions of education. So, our recent nomination for an award at The Game Awards has got us buzzing. Our whole mission is not only to raise awareness of game on menus and in restaurants but also to educate chefs, schools and members of the public on why game is such a big deal.
We do this in a number of ways. First of all we start at the root and have published The Great Game Guide – A national guide to the best game chefs available to buy here.
Why not head over to our sister website and see what we’ve been up to? Visit site here.
We have been on highland estates learning about deer management, we work with deer butchers and deer managers. We’ve been on shoots to learn about grouse, partridge, pheasant and wild birds. And we’ve done the same with wild boar.
We work with chefs all over the country to discover how they take the raw product and turn it into exquisite dishes for everyone to enjoy. But there is so much more work to be done.
We know that wild deer is out of control in certain areas of the UK and something similar is happening with populations of wild boar around the Forest of Dean. It is extremely important that this message gets out. We need to be eating and working with as much wild deer and boar as possible to keep numbers under control.
There is a great movement going on to begin the task of rewilding farmland. This is an important initiative but it is crucial that deer numbers are kept low for if they are not then rewilding will be a whole lot harder because wild deer eat the shoots of young trees and plants – the very things we need to grow taller to counter climate change.
This is just one aspect of education that we are involved in. Add to that our chef education with our work in colleges and academies and we have a whole canvas of work underway to promote game to a wider and more diverse audience.
A recent conversation with top chef Cyrus Todiwala sums it up:
“It’s easy to forget that Indian chefs know much more about game than British -born chefs,” he told us. “That’s because it has been hunted and cooked in India for thousands of years. We know how to cook it, how to spice it and how to enjoy it. Game goes beautifully with spice.”
So, if you are planning on voting in the Eat Game Awards, we’d really appreciate your vote as Best Game Educator!
For more information on the awards click here.