The Chefs’ Forum Academy Welcomes Chef Works as Headline Sponsor

Leading hospitality workwear brand Chef Works have agreed to headline sponsor The Chefs’ Forum Academy and provide all guest chefs with a branded chefs jacket and all students taking part in the academy with a special Chefs’ Forum Academy Dressed by Chef Works branded apron.
The new partnership will enable all academy students to receive branded aprons that will make their membership in the academy that bit more special and strengthen the appeal to colleges looking to take advantage of enrolling.
Emma Cohen, General Manager & Head of Marketing at Chef Works UK told The Chefs’ Forum:
“Chef Works are so happy to be involved with this great Chefs’ Forum Academy initiative. Working alongside leading chefs across the UK to support and develop the next wave of culinary talent.”
Chefs’ Forum founder Catherine Farinha said of the new partnership:
“The Chefs’ Forum is delighted to welcome Chef Works as the headline sponsor for The Chefs’ Forum Academy, currently operational across four UK colleges and soon to be more. The sponsorship means that every guest chef teaching in the academy will receive a Chef Works chef jacket and all student will receive a branded apron. Chef Works have worked with The Chefs’ Forum for the last few years, so it’s great that they are now dressing catering students in The Chefs’ Forum Academies, the finest chefs in the UK and all over the world!”