Rankin Wows Chefs with New Japan Series for Sky

50 chefs joined us on Monday 24th January to watch a selection of clips from Paul Rankin’s new series Taste of Japan that screened on Sky over the course of last weekend.
The purpose of the get together, held on Zoom, was to talk about the series and, more importantly, to gauge responses on which parts of the programme the chefs were interested in.
This information will be used by the Japanese government to enable them to market their suppliers, products and rich, bountiful country much more closely, with chefs in mind.
As a forum, we were able to gather together a top list of chefs who did not hold back in their praise both for Rankin’s ability as a host and for the ingredients he was working with. Due to Covid he had been unable to visit the country.
This market insight will prove extremely valuable to the Japanese government in proving the demand for the fabulous array of delicious ingredients available to enhance and enrich UK chef menus with an authentic Asian twist.
Chris Hughes, Chef Lecturer, Halesowen College said:
“I think it was a great programme – I really warmed to Paul Rankin as a front person and his ability to communicate the passion of Japanese products.”
Mitch Griffiths, Sous Chef, The Wellington Hotel, Boscastle said:
“It’s been a great chance for everyone to see an insight inside into Japanese cuisine and thank you to all those involved…I would love to see the full series of programmes.”
Scott Lucas, Chef Consultant and Masterchef of Great Britain said:
“I would happily buy the series if it were available on Amazon, Netflix or DVD – So fascinating and it was an absolute pleasure taking part in the review. I would love to visit Japan as a result of today.”
Richard Hunt, Executive Chef at Courtyard by Marriott, Exeter, brought up the interesting point of future relations between Japan and UK Chefs. He said:
“I often use Nori, dried mushrooms, yuzu, mirin, sushi rice, wasabi, wagyu when cooking Asia-inspired dishes on my menu. Are there any plans from the Japanese government to encourage interaction between Japanese chefs and UK chefs to organise exchanges, to promote inter country food tourism?”
Nigel Jones, Chef Patron, Plas Nanteos, Aberystwyth, commented:
“I love everything Japanese; from dried Bonito to dried Fugu fins for Hiraake.”
Stephen McClarty, Chef Patron of the newly-opened Sharkbait & Swim is a big fan of Japanese ingredients. he said:
“I use a yuzu vinegar for a Ceviche dish.”
As you can see from the comments, of which there were many more, the participating chefs truly relished the opportunity to take part in this ground-breaking digital culinary event.
We are currently gathering a list of chefs who would like to participate in similar events in the future. If you would like to register your interest, please email alicia@redcherry.uk.com