Chefs’ Forum Member Jenny Chandler ‘Spills The Beans’ On Her New Book: ‘Pulse’

Bristol Author Jenny Chandler held a launch party last evening at the fabulous Riverstation for her latest book: Pulse.
Pulses have well known and undeniable health benefits: They are an important weapon in the alarmingly crucial fight against obesity!
With a low glycaemic index they are digested more slowly and therefore keep you satisfied for longer. They are highly nutritious: low in fat and high in proteins, fibre, vitamins and minerals. Pulses can replace one of the crucial “five a day” fruit and vegetable portions.
At the launch Jenny’s guests were treated to a selection of canapés which showcased the fabulous recipes featured within the book.
In her speech, Jenny stated:
“At last legumes are ditching their hemp-shirted hippie label and yet all the existing books have a rather worthy feel about them, and seem to be directed purely at vegetarians or people on wholefood diets – Pulse aims to revoluntionise the reputation of pulses and position them as a fantastic addition to our diet.”
Jenny’s recipes were replicated in canapés of smoked aubergine and Puy lentil crostini, broad bean, mint and chorizo crostini, a demitasse of spiced tomato and lentil soup, falafel with sweet chilli dip, Cannellini and parmesan frittelle with Salsa Verde and dark chocolate and black bean brownies.
Top food journalists, cook book authors and food heroes were in attendance including Rosemary Barron (Author: Flavours of Greece), TV Bread Guru, Richard Bertinet and Valentina Harris (Author: Fiori di Zucca) .
Jenny is very proud to have written a book about the versatility of humble pulses. She continued:
“Pulses are extremely versatile providing a blank canvas for so many of the styles and flavours that we have come to embrace in the multicultural British kitchen.
They are incredibly economical, a vitally important factor as food prices go up and people have to rein in their spending”.
‘Pulse’ is available to buy on Amazon click here and in most local book shops. Copies of Pulse are also available Papadeli and The Riverstation in Bristol.
Here’s what Jenny has to say on her new book: