Prue Leith and Dr Rupy back the Independent Review of NHS Hospital Food

On the 28th April, The Chefs’ Forum will partner with RATIONAL to deliver a relevant virtual seminar, covering the key points raised in the recently published ‘Independent Review of NHS Hospital Food’, chaired by Philip Shelley. The review highlights the essential developments required to ensure a sustainable food provision and service of the highest possible quality over the forthcoming years.
A professional panel of industry experts and stakeholders will come together to discuss the headline topics and provide a vision, the insight and expertise required to meet the objectives of the review.
Adam Knights, marketing director, Rational UK and Ireland comments,
‘The hospital seminar is the inaugural seminar for expert talks on key topics for RATIONAL. We are excited to be working in partnership with The Chef’s forum to provide a platform for individual from the hospital sector, including buyers, chefs, kitchen designers, equipment manufacturers, chief executives and catering managers who together can make a change for better hospital catering standards.’
With Prue Leith CBE (Industry icon, restaurateur, chef, TV presenter and food writer) making the introductory speech, our seminar panellists include:
Dr Rupy Aujla (GP, Founder of Culinary Medicine UK and author of the Doctor’s Kitchen)
- Mike Ridder (Kitchen Consultant)
- Nicola Strawther (Chief Dietetic, Nottingham University Hospital)
- Colin Parry (RATIONAL UK)
- Philip Shelley (Chair of the NHS Hospital Food Review)
- Craig Smith (National Chair of the Hospital Caterers Association)
- Neil Rippington (Director of Education at The Chefs’ Forum and Instructor in Culinary Psychology, Harvard University)
The seminar will debate topics such as the future design of hospital kitchens and how design can contribute to areas such as food quality, sustainability, efficiency, and food safety.
Colin Parry, Sales Director at Rational UK said,
“We are delighted to have gathered together some of the leading professionals in hospital sector catering for a meeting of minds on how best to action the objectives identified in the recent NHS hospital Food Review. We very much look forward to hearing from the various specialists on how the topics for discussion relate to their various roles and how we can work as a collective to support hospital food and catering operations.”
Discussion topics include: Food as medicine; Tomorrow’s kitchen; Integrating technology; Sustainability; Food & drink standards; Healthy & nutritious menus; Working in partnership and Planning the future.
We will also acknowledge the fantastic contributions of our NHS Food Heroes to date and how the review proposes to ensure the evolution of future Food Heroes by providing the training, development and qualifications to support hospital caterers and their career development in the future.
The event intends to conclude with a clear plan outlined. How will the objectives be measured and reviewed? How can all stakeholders work together in partnership to provide the quality of provision that all within the NHS deserve?
The only way to find out how is by booking your seat at the seminar.