Official! Chefs’ Forum Academies Deliver Higher Grades

In a wide-ranging endorsement of The Chefs’ Forum Academy at South & City College Birmingham the Head of Curriculum Adam Porter said the impact has been massive. After two terms of working with The Chefs’ Forum since opening the Academy in September the college is delighted with the way things are going and has seen significant results.

“The academy has had a massive impact on the development of our students technical and wider skills,” Porter said. “The masterclasses, menu development days, business market challenges and trips have supported our students.

“The impact has been massive and students have developed the skills, attitudes and behaviours that are valued by employers and we have seen an increase of higher grades achieved by a student in craft assessments.”

Catherine Farinha, Director of The Chefs’ Forum, said: “We were at South & City College Birmingham on Monday and it was easy to see how engaged the students were in what we were doing. They were involved in a menu development session for Aussie Beef & Lamb and got a special soufflé masterclass at the same time from Saucery chef Dirk de Cuyper.

“I was bowled over by the comments from Adam Porter. We have put so much effort into our masterclasses and industry education and to see that it is having a high impact on both grades and employability is absolutely brilliant. College students need to get as much industry experience as they can before they enter the work place and having a Chefs’ Forum Academy as an additional booster can really make a difference.”

Dirk delivering a fantastic masterclass with the students – Driving improved grades and enriching the curriculum – Dirk cooked a soufflé in a masterclass at SCCB – While our Aussie beef event was going on – what a rockstar?!

Adam Porter, Head of Curriculum at South & City College Birmingham said:

“The Chefs’ Forum have had a massive impact on the development of our students technical and wider skills. The masterclasses, menu development days, business market challenges and trips and with you and your chefs have supported our students. The impact has been massive, where students have developed skills, attitudes and behaviours that are valued by employers and have seen an increase of higher grades achieved by a student in craft assessments.”

Photography by Carlos Farinha.