Dinner with 10 Michelin stars in aid of Hospitality Action

On Sunday 15th March two-Michelin-starred chef Claude Bosi will host a fundraising dinner at Hibiscus, Mayfair to raise money for industry charity Hospitality Action.
Bosi will cook alongside special guests Sat Bains from Restaurant Sat Bains** (Nottingham – UK), Daniel Clifford from Midsummer House** (Cambridge – UK), Paul Cunningham from Henne Kirkeby Kro (Henne – Denmark), Andrew Fairlie from Gleneagles** (Auchterarder – UK) and Tom Kerridge from the Hand and Flowers** (Buckinghamshire – UK). The chefs will create a six course tasting menu, complimenting each other’s styles and cooking ethos for a truly ground breaking gourmet experience. Each course will be cooked by the individual guest chef who created it and will be matched with a wine from their own restaurant’s cellars.
Funds raised from the dinner will go towards Sat Bains’ Guinness World Record attempt for the highest formal dinner party, at the North Col of Mount Everest taking place in April. The expedition, led by former SAS captain and troop commander Neil Laughton, will see a team of British adventurers and climbers, including two Everest summiteers and a professional photographer, attempt to host a dinner at 7,100m (23,293ft) before attempting their summit bids.
Bains, who is hoping to raise £10,000, said: “I am absolutely passionate about this industry, and I am well aware of the long hours and hard work that goes into ensuring others have a wonderful time when dining out, staying away from home, or celebrating a special occasion. For some, their passion for the industry is eclipsed when they find themselves in difficult situations, maybe because they have fallen on hard times, are suffering from a long-term illness or experienced a bereavement from a close family member. This is your chance to help all those people, and really make a difference to ones in need.”
Tickets to this exclusive event are £250 per person and include menu and accompanying wines. After dinner, a live auction will take place. Full payment is required at point of booking, and bookings will be taken via telephone only on 020 7629 2999.
To sponsor Sat Bains please visit: http://www.justgiving.com/Sat-Bains. For further information about Hospitality Action please visit: www.hospitalityaction.org.uk