David Lloyd Leisure Backs Sponsored Row at City of Bristol College for HA Week 2013

Young Chefs and Front-of-House Pros To Take Part In An ‘All Day Row’ For Industry Charity
City of Bristol College students (kitchen and Front-of-House) are set to take part in a sponsored row to raise money for Hospitality Action Week 2013. Local leisure club, David Lloyd Bristol has kindly loaned The College two state-of-the-art rowing machines for the challenge. The College is working with David Lloyd to promote health and fitness among those working in the professional kitchen via The Chefs’ Forum.
Mark Johns, Area Manager for David Lloyd Leisure stated:
“We are delighted to be supporting this event and at the same time raising the profile of the importance of keeping healthy and active when working in the hospitality industry. Long hours and highly stressed kitchen environments can take their toll on chefs’ health. Regular exercise and healthy eating will enrich lifestyles and boost performance”.
Miriam Garstang, Curriculum Team Leader at City of Bristol College said that she is
“Overwhelmed with the students’ willingness to take part in the challenge. Over thirty students have been sponsored for Mondays event – we are very much looking forward to collectively rowing 2013 km throughout the day! We, as a College always try to do our bit for Hospitality Action as we truly value the great work that the charity does”.
Now in its fifth year, Hospitality Action Week has become one of the most important events on the industry calendar with hospitality professionals doing their bit to raise money for their peers who fall on bad times. The money raised over the seven days will go towards helping some of the most vulnerable members of the hospitality industry.
Taking place from May 13th-19th, the College will raise funds for Hospitality Action through a range of fundraising activities starting off with the sponsored row on Monday.
Hospitality Action CEO Penny Moore says: “The past four HA Weeks have been jammed packed with supporters across the country doing their bit for the charity. From managing directors to college students, everyone has gone that extra mile and this year we really want to build on the momentum. Please do plan to carry out some fundraising for us this May. Whether you raise £5 by collecting your loose change for the week or £5,000 by getting sponsored to cycle to Paris, your contribution really will make an enormous difference to those in need.
Find out more at www.hospitalityaction.org.uk/haweek
To take part please contact the fundraising team on 020 3004 5504 or by email to: fundraising@hospitalityaction.org.uk To view some of the messages of support the charity received last year please click on the HA Week video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bla18EltHkE
Looking for a quick and easy way to show your support? Simply text 70070 with the code HAWK13 £5, to donate £5 to HA Week.