City College Plymouth Set to Cook up a Storm at Flavour Fest

On Friday 16, Saturday 17 and Sunday 18 August students and staff from City College Plymouth will be showcasing their talents at the South West’s largest food and drink festival – Flavour Fest.
The College will have a demo kitchen where lecturers will be showing visitors how to produce a range of specialist breads, as well as a ‘pop-up mini cafe’ where College students will be selling a selection of handmade cupcakes, with a proportion of all the proceeds going to the College’s chosen charity, St Luke’s Hospice.
At 3.00pm on Friday 16 August, College lecturer Dave Beazley will be taking to the main stage in the event’s Kitchen Theatre – a hugely popular feature attracting large numbers of spectators who come to watch the live cookery demonstration’s by the impressive line-up of celebrity and well-known regional chefs. Dave will be showcasing a foraging demonstration, showing how it is possible to cook up delicious dishes from nothing but nature’s larder, including hedgerows, forests and moors.
On Saturday 17 August at 10.00am, College lecturers Richard Farleigh and Jamie McMurrich will also be taking to the main stage to cook a trio of tasty treats including a fish starter, a rabbit main and a damson dessert.
Throughout the three day event there will be experienced staff on hand to offer advice and guidance on a range of courses from foundation courses to university-level courses and the part-time courses on offer at the PL1 Cookery School. Chef Lecturer at the College, Steven Milnes, who will also be attending the event, said: “Flavour Fest is set to be a fantastic couple of days showcasing the best of what the South West has to offer.
“It is a great event and we are really excited to be exhibiting. We would urge anyone who is interested in food, whether it be eating it or cooking it to come along and enjoy watching the demonstrations and tasting some of amazing local produce on offer.
“The College will have a number of students and staff doing demonstrations, as well as offering advice and guidance in pursuing a career in hospitality and catering.”
For more information about hospitality and catering courses at the College, call 01752 305300.