Chefs’ Forum Chefs Hit Gold at The Welsh Game Fair

Guests, fellow chefs and suppliers were bowled over by the demonstrations put on by The Chefs’ Forum at The Welsh Game Fair last weekend.

Cindy Challoner, Gareth Johns, Nerys Howell and Hywel Griffith all performed multiple times at The British Association of Shooting and Conservation (BASC) demo stage which was supported by The Chefs’ Forum in compering demos and promoting responsible sourcing of venison and game.

Also on display and being given out was The Welsh Game Guide, produced for Game Meat Wales by The Chefs’ Forum, featuring the top 50 hotels, pubs and restaurants that feature game on the their menu throughout Wales.

“I really enjoyed being at The Welsh Game Fair,” said chef Cindy Challoner. “My pheasant dish went down well and it was great to see my interview in The Welsh Game Guide! I was impressed with how many people were at the Fair and how many really enjoy game.”

Catherine Farinha, Director of The Chefs’ Forum, said: “We pulled out all the stops for The Welsh Game Fair and all the chefs who appeared on the demo stage were brilliant and it was amazing to see The Welsh Game Guide flying out. It was so popular that it had to go into a reprint so there would be enough copies to go out during the fair.

“That shows how popular Welsh game is and on the stage the chefs created some amazing dishes that shows how versatile and fun game can be on the menu.”

Hywel Griffith, head chef at The Beach House restaurant said: “I was really honoured to be asked to write the foreword to The Welsh Game Guide and it was equally as much fun to be on stage. Game is a fantastic part of the Welsh larder and we are lucky to have so many great suppliers.”

“Working with BASC for the majority of this year has really shown how much The Chefs’ Forum has developed,” Catherine Farinha continued. “After the success of The Great Game Guide we were delighted to be asked to produce a version for Wales.

“As we move more and more into producing content like this we are able to take advantage of our unique networks of chefs, college and suppliers. And with our editorial team we are becoming one of the leading providers of unique chef content which gives the businesses we work with an opportunity to work with chefs in a new way.”

View The Welsh Game Guide online HERE

Photo credit: Dani Paiva