BroccoCress® – The First FRESH Superfood from Koppert Cress

Eat healthier, we all want to do this. Massively we consume exotic seeds, powders and supplements to live healthier. Be aware that this lifestyle can even be more natural, with fresh products from your own environment.
Fresh vegetables are healthy, but one of them is getting increasingly popular: Broccoli. Fresh broccoli is one of the most healthy vegetables and is known for its good features, such as strengthening the immune system.
Broccoli is not only rich in vitamins and minerals, but especially in sulforaphane (more information on, a substance which activates antioxidants and enzymes in immune cells.
BroccoCress® is the cress of broccoli! The taste of BroccoCress is very mild. It tastes wonderfully on cheese. It is also good for decorating of all kinds of dishes, a perfect finish for soups and sauces and a very good product to add to a diet. BroccoCress added to your sandwich will make the sandwich “really” healthy.
Did you already know this? A small 30 grams of BroccoCress contains 50 times more sulforaphane than the complete Broccoli plant? Reason enough to eat BroccoCress!