6 Reasons to Stop Using Pen and Paper Food Safety Records with CheckIt Wireless Technology

The majority of food businesses still collect food safety records using pen and paper, which can be a time-consuming process and is far from infallible. Fortunately, new Cloud based software is drastically changing the way HACCP data is collected and stored.
CheckIt have highlighted 6 key reasons to ditch pen and paper records and switch to digital records:
1. Save time and money
Pen and paper records are time consuming and leave less time to focus on the work that directly contributes to turnover.
Automated record keeping can save hours of valuable time every week, meaning staff can spend more time preparing for the next shift.
2. 24/7 monitoring
Manual hot or cold storage temperature checks are typically done 2-3 times a day.
Temperatures are monitoring and recorded 24/7, so you’re records are always up-to-date and ready for inspection.
3. Securely stored
Handwritten paperwork can easily be lost, illegible or incorrectly filed. This can leave your business with a very poor hygiene rating, even if there aren’t any problems with kitchen hygiene.
Digital records are stored securely in the Cloud and always ready for inspection.
4. Tamper-proof
Unfortunately, manual records are often falsified. Either staff are too busy or forget to take records and so make them up long after the date or even ahead of time.
Digital records are stamped with time, date and staff member so you can see exactly who has done what and when.
5. Increased visibility
To access pen and paper records, Food Safety Managers need to visit the store or restaurant and collect and process the paperwork themselves.
With digital records, a Food Safety Manager can access the records for any of their restaurants or stores anywhere in the world, in real-time.
6. Instant alerts
Without 24/7 monitoring, issues aren’t discovered until long after they happen. For instance, if a freezer door is left ajar at the end of the day, no one would know until the following day when valuable stock has been ruined.
With 24/7 monitoring, instant alerts can be sent to a mobile, tablet and desktop if anything goes amiss.
For more information on CheckIt Wireless Technology, go to: www.checkit.net