Aussie Wagyu Beef and Black Mushroom Rice Maki Grill with Egg Yolk Sauce

Aussie Wagyu Beef and Black Mushroom Rice Maki Grill with Egg Yolk Sauce by Saito Daichiki – Chef Saito (Wagyu Specialist)
Saito Daichiki – Chef Saito (Wagyu Specialist) Aussie Wagyu Beef and Black Mushroom Rice Maki Grill with Egg Yolk Sauce.
Serves 5
- 250g sliced Aussie Wagyu beef
- 450kg short grain rice
- 120ml soy sauce
- 280ml mirin
- 140ml sake
- 80g clear honey
- 1 packet dashi konbu
- 1 onion
- 90g shiro dashi
- 2 whole cooked beetroot
- 200ml rice vinegar
- 100g potato starch
- 10 asparagus spears
- Nasturtium leaves for decoration
- Red vein sorrel for decoration
- Salt
- Black pepper
- 6 egg yolks
- 2 tbsp black truffle paste
- Dash of black truffle oil
- 1 pack of Shimeji mushrooms
- 1 tsp chaco powder
- 20g unsalted butter
- 1 tsp QP Japanese mayonnaise
- 2 myoga
- Place the meat in the freezer for about 30-60 minutes, until it is hard.
- Slice 2-3cm slices, or as thinly as you can.
Teriyaki sauce
- Pour the mirin & sake into a saucepan until it starts to boil, add the soy sauce, stir and set aside.
Beetroot purée
- Place the beetroot, rice vinegar and a pinch of salt into a food processor and mix until smooth. Add a little water if too thick.
Egg yolk sauce
- Add the egg yolk, QP Japanese Mayonnaise, a pinch of salt and the teriyaki sauce into a bowl and whisk with a hand whisk until smooth.
- Boil the asparagus in shiro dashi soup (water and shiro dashi) for 1 minute.
- Wash the myoga and slice it, put in cold water to keep it fresh.
Black umami rice
- Slice the Enoki mushrooms and chop the Shimeji mushrooms.
- Sauté the mushrooms with butter, teriyaki sauce, sake, charcoal powder, beef fat and shiro dashi, until mushrooms are tender.
- Add the mushroom mixture and rice in a saucepan with the shriro dashi broth.
- Bring to a boil, then turn down the heat and simmer for 15 minutes.
- Once the rice is cooked add the black truffle paste.
Making beef roll maki
- Make a rice ball, approx 50g each.
- Sprinkle potato starch on the rice ball, then wrap the sliced beef around it.
- Sprinkle the beef with more potato starch.
Cooking the beef roll maki
- Heat up a pan with butter, put the maki in the pan ( 1 portion = 2 maki) and slowly cook until the beef is browned, then add teriyaki sauce to make a glaze.
- Add the asparagus and coat with the glaze.
- Ready to plate.