Member Info

What is the name of the current restaurant you work at and how long have you worked there?
I’m the Executive Chef at Alton Towers & I have worked here for 15 months.

Give a brief overview of your career.
I have been a chef for 23 years & worked in most sectors including, private chef, Michelin-starred restaurants, outside events, openings most recently Hotel Football for the class of 92.

Where did you learn your skills/culinary education?
I’m sill learning !!

What do you enjoy most about being a chef?
Using my creativity & seeing happy guests.

Which of your dishes are you most proud of?
Monkfish bhaji, saag aloo, lentil dahl and honey lassie.

How do you come up with new dishes?
Talking new ideas & inspirations with my team, eating out, cook books and following interesting modern chefs on social media.

Who was your greatest influence?
David Gale who was my finishing teacher & my mum who kept telling me to carry on.

What is your favourite cookbook?
I don’t have a favourite as my as use cook books for different things. However, I really enjoyed reading Daniel Clifford’s Midsummer House which gave an insight of his fascinating journey with the restaurant.