Member Info

What is the name of the current restaurant you work at and how long have you worked there?Rockfish Poole, January 2020.

Give a brief overview of your career.
Worked through the hierarchy of a kitchen, pot wash to head chef, a variety of establishments from pubs to hotels to restaurants with Michelin stars.

Where did you learn your skills/culinary education?
Bournemouth College, then Bournemouth University.

What do you enjoy most about being a chef?
I enjoy working with a team (family), starting with a raw ingredients and creating a experience for customers. I also love the banter and friends you’ll meet while working.

Which of your dishes are you most proud of?
I come up with new dishes by firstly seeing what we can source locally, then looking at traditional cooking methods and pairing but adding a modern twist.

How do you come up with new dishes?
My biggest influence is Gordon Ramsay.

Who was your greatest influence?
Gordon Ramsay Ultimate Cookery Course.