Marksmen, Mixology and Macarons at the stunning Paschoe House!

On Monday (5) February The Chefs’ Forum gathered at Paschoe House on the 5th February 2018 for a celebration of game with Two Brothers Foods and Synergy Grill to mark SIX extremely successful years of the industry networking organisation staging quarterly chef networking events in Devon!
Top chefs from Devon and surrounds attended a day of butchery and cookery demos, plus a laser clay pigeon shoot during which Two Brothers Foods and Synergy Grill showcased the plethora of delicious ways in which finest west country pork can be used to make premium sausages and incorporate them into restaurant menus for optimum margin. Plump Kernow Sausages were cooked on the award-wining energy-saving Synergy grill. Laser Clay shooting was laid-on to encourage chefs to shoot game for their own meus.
Award-winning butcher Gavin Roberts, Director of Two Brothers Foods gave a pork butchery demonstration which the chefs found very interesting. Chefs’ Forum member Bjorn Moen of Pattard Kitchen in Hartland (Devon) said
“The pork butchery demo was very timely as I’m picking up two whole pigs tomorrow. It was great to have a refresher course and it’s clear that Gavin really knows his stuff – I get to these events when I can and found this really fascinating”
Head Chef of Paschoe House, Samuel Brook performed a stunning cookery demonstration of Pheasant breast, beetroot, chilli jam and confit pheasant leg spring roll. He also created delicious array of savoury canapés with students from South Devon College and HIT Chefs’ Academy. The young chefs worked together to produce an impressive spread of canapes including: duck breast, confit orange and chicory, game ballotine, venison carpaccio, Asian custard and mackerel tartare, vegetable spring roll and chilli jam.
Gavin then led HIT Training learner Corey Friend (apprentice at Okehampton Golf Club) joined South Devon College students Leah O’Brian and Samuel Camplin in a sausage-making demonstration. The students worked together to produce some brilliant Kernow bangers to the award-winning secret recipe which they got to take home as the newly-stuffed seasoned pork mince had to marinade before cooking.
Synergy Grill Development Chef Claire Mansfield prepared Two Brothers Bratwurst and Spicy Sausage Haute Dogs on the Synergy Grill while chefs and students practiced their shots in the beautiful gardens at Paschoe House.
Samuel and the students then produced a delicious afternoon tea comprising of Coconut mousse, confit raspberry and a lime sable, Salted caramel tart, ginger bread and a dark chocolate creamaux, Pina colada choux bun with spiced poached pineapple.
The sweet canapes were served with gin cocktails paired by Salcombe Gin Brand Ambassador, Sarah-Jane Paskin including Clifton Coffee espresso in Salcombe Martinis. The Afternoon Tea culminated with two types of Devon scone – plain and fruit, served in traditional Devon fashion with clotted cream and strawberry jam – a delicious end to a marvellous day that was enjoyed by all who took part.
Samuel said
“The students were fantastic today and I’ve really enjoyed having them in my kitchen. I am very lucky to be Head Chef here at the age of 25 which is earlier in my career than I could have dreamt of. We are pushing hard to get our work recognised and I am delighted to showcase my food in such opulent surroundings here at Paschoe House. The students from South Devon College and HIT Training worked very well to get food out on time and the guests and visiting chefs gave some fantastic feedback on delicious food we produced as a team. I have been very pleased with all the young chefs in my kitchen today.”
The students and HIT Training learners were fantastic and extremely professional and Samuel proved an inspirational and highly-encouraging role model – Samuel is just what is needed in industry to nurture the next generation. The students aided Samuel’s brigade of young chefs in preparing and serving the canapés at the event. The Chefs’ Forum is a great chance for young chefs and hospitality professionals to demonstrate their impressive culinary skills to local employers looking to fill their kitchens with young chefs.
The Chefs’ Forum launched in Devon six years ago. It has since expanded across nine regions to include highly accredited chefs, catering colleges and top suppliers on a near-national level.
Catherine Farinha, Founder of The Chefs’ Forum and event organiser concluded:
“It was wonderful to hold an event here at Paschoe house. Over the last six years, The Chefs’ Forum has forged valuable links between local catering colleges and top chefs Devon’s local restaurant scene. Our quarterly Chefs’ Forum events ensure that communication between the two entities is effortless and seamless. This will lead to the next generation of top chefs learning from the very best in the business. “
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